Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Freedom to Choose

    • Course Consent

    • 5 Principles of Self Defense

  • 2

    Scenario 1-Stranger

    • Stranger Scenario with Joanne Factor

    • What would you do?

  • 3

    Scenario 2-Aquaintance

    • Acquaintance Scenario with Michelle Johnson Blimes

    • What would you do?

  • 4

    Scenario 3-Co Worker

    • Co Worker Scenario with Adanma Nwokoma Olowa

    • What would you do?

  • 5

    Scenario 4-Friend

    • Friend Scenario with Jacinta Astles

    • What would you do?

  • 6

    Scenario 4-Intimate Partner

    • Intimate Partner Scenario with Tamar Frank

    • What would you do?

  • 7

    What Now?

    • Feedback Survey

    • Call to action

    • Join the Movement

    • Resources

Do you know what to do if you feel unsafe?

Join us for this online Empowerment Self Defense Course