
ESD Instructor

Adanma Nwokoma

Adanma Nwokoma is from Nigeria. She holds a BA degree in English language from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and a MA in Media Arts from the University of Abuja. She works as a radio broadcaster in Nigeria. Adanma started her self-defense journey as a Martial Artist with Karate in 2000. In 2020, she was trained by ESD Global to be a Women's lev. 1 ESD Instructor and since then, she delivered ESD trainings to about 1500 persons in Africa. She delivers trainings online, in-person, via radio and TV. Some of the stations she has carried out ESD trainings include Radio Nigeria Network Service, Kapital FM Abuja, Silverbird Rhythm FM, Nigerian Customs Broadcasting Network. Adanma believes that ESD is the missing link towards lifting women and people out of oppression and the depression that comes with it, giving them a voice and the power to say 'NO' to situations that do not respect one's rights. About herself, she says "ESD found me, and I'm grateful it did"!